Not your doll 170×130
Not your doll 170×130
My mom always said: „Create your own universe!“ 200×160
One day, one life. 180×140
A love out of this world 100×160
I’m not what you want to see 100×140
One day, one life. 200×160
One day, one life. 225×125
When I close my eyes, I can almost see you better. 200×160
It is the little ones who teach us. 200×160
I’m not what you want me to be. 200×150
One day, one life. 200×180
Big cats stay cats!
Fury needs no words.
God didn’t give us two ears for no reason. So we should listen more than speak too much. 225×135
One day, one life. 200×180
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